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Discover more professional networks for black medical students & doctors in the UK

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Association of Black Psychiatrists UK

Black Female Doctors UK

British Association of Black Surgeons (BABS)

British Caribbean Doctors & Dentists

British Somali Medical Association

Cameroonian Doctors UK

Cardiff Medical School ACMA

Dundee African Caribbean Medical Society

Ghanaian Doctors & Dentists Association

Imperial College London ACMN

Kings College London ACMS

Leeds Medics and Dentists African Caribbean Society

Medical Association Of Nigerians Across Great Britain

Oxford University Black Medics Society

Queen's University Belfast's ACMS

St Georges University of London ACMS


University of Aberdeen Black Medical Society

University of Birmingham ACMS

University of Cambridge Black Medical Society

University of East Anglia ACMS

University of Manchester ACMS

University of Nottingham ACMN

University of Sheffield Sheffield ACMN

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